Brief Description of Theme
Theme Name: VABTopic
Theme URI:
Description: A theme with great functionality-13 saibars and 6 menus in total (rubber layout, dynamic content width with side columns and lower sidebars). Slides with the ability to design in the admin panel (slider for the background, Nivo slider, Claud 3DKarusel, Killer 3DKarusel are added , FlexSlider, responder slider and 2 slider based on it for headers and slider posts and thumbnails). Thumbnails of posts and pages, radio widget, feedback widget, call order widget, shortcodes, pjax connected, Lightbox connected. The book version of the site and the version for the visually impaired are built-in (functionality: responsivevoice speech synthesizer, 7 color schemes, content width adjustment, Font, boldness, Kerning, leading, image and video, iframe and objects, slide control, register). The ability to manage the site without a mouse. Customizer has been significantly expanded, a section for customizing the theme including control and slider settings. Individual feedback templates (protection from bots). Otovzik. Otovik comment slider. Significantly expanded page editor. As well as accordions, tabs, tooltips, audio and video players, weather widgets and more.
Author: Vladimir Anatolyevich Brumer (E-mail:
Author URI:
Version: 4.6.1
Author E-mail:
License: VAB
License URI:
Requires PHP: 5.2.17 – 7.4.2
Tags: Blog, Book version of the site, Version for the visually impaired, Speech synthesizer, Three-in-one theme, One column, Two columns, Three columns, Rubber typesetting, 13 sidebars, Widgets in the basement, Custom menu, Top menu, Left menu, Right menu , Custom background, Background slider, Comment slider, Advanced customizer, Color customization, Custom header, Custom logo, Custom background for hats, Creeping line, Call button, Custom color for sidebars and menu links, Custom color for sidebars text, Custom background for sidebars and menu, Arbitrary color of links of the central unit, Arbitrary color of the text of the central unit, Arbitrary background for the central unit, Nivo slider, Responsive slider, Post slider, Thumbnail slider, Post output shortcode, Entry thumbnails, Carousel, 3D Carousel, Radio widget, Callback widget, Feedback forms, Uploading files to the server, Lightbox (automatic), pJax, Smooth upload of content, Nested comments, Feedback wik, Anti-spam bots, Advanced page editor, Editor style
Text domain: VAB